Last week when I'm reading plurk posts and I found out that Paul Villacorta - a blogger from Cebu, is planning to make a blogger calendar. I'm so lucky I was included in the said calendar and I choose the month of February.
Why February? I don't know, maybe February is available or February is the month of LOVE <3. I like the designs of Paul. Eventhought February is not in the picture sample, I know I will like it. I don't know if Paul's Blogger Calendar has sponsors already but If you guys out there wanted to sponsor this Calendar! Please Click here for more info.
Contact Paul Villacorta in this link or e-mail him at pwvillacorta [at] gmail [dot] com.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Paul Villacorta's 2009 Blogger Calendar
Posted by dRei at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: 2009 Blogger Calendar, 2009 Calendar, Paul Villacorta
Monday, December 8, 2008
Twilight Fever
I want to watch the movie 'twilight' since it's premier last week, but I don't have any company. Good thing yesterday my ever dearest girl said "yes" when I asked her to watch a movie with me. She told me that she's dying to see the movie too. After our office we went to the mall and put something in our stomach because we're starving that time. When we finished our dinner, that was 7pm, we bought tickets in we choose the orchestra. I have a popcorn and a bottled water in my hands when we enter the movie house, she's carrying a mcflurry from mcDonalds'.
We make sure that when we enter the movie house the movie is done so that we can watch the beginning and for me the trailers of the coming soon movies 'i love trailers'. The orchestra is almost full when we enter, I can't hardly see empty seats for us. I smiled when the trailers played 'There's so many great movies to wait'. The movie started at 720pm.
Bella Swan has always been a little bit different. Never one to run with the crowd, Bella never cared about fitting in with the trendy, plastic girls at her Phoenix, Arizona high school. When her mother remarried and Bella chooses to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she didn't expect much of anything to change. But things do change when she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen. For Edward is nothing like any boy she's ever met. He's nothing like anyone she's ever met, period. He's intelligent and witty, and he seems to see straight into her soul. In no time at all, they are swept up in a passionate and decidedly unorthodox romance - unorthodox because Edward really isn't like the other boys. He can run faster than a mountain lion. He can stop a moving car with his bare hands. Oh, and he hasn't aged since 1918. Like all vampires, he's immortal. That's right - vampire. But he doesn't have fangs - that's just in the movies. And he doesn't drink human blood, though Edward and his family are unique among vampires in that lifestyle choice. To Edward, Bella is that thing he has waited 90 years for - a soul mate. But the closer they get, the more Edward must struggle to resist the primal pull of her scent, which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy. Somehow or other, they will have to manage their unmanageable love. But when unexpected visitors come to town and realize that there is a human among them Edward must fight to save Bella? A modern, visual, and visceral Romeo and Juliet story of the ultimate forbidden love affair - between vampire and mortal. Written by
Click here to see the full summary.
The movie was great!, but It happened so fast. I like to read the book.
Posted by dRei at 12:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Movie, movies, twilight, twilight movie, twilight series
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saving Files in the Internet...
Large file sharing makes me sweat, I cannot send files through email to the supplier because yahoo and gmail cannot sent file more than 10MB, and my files reached to 20MB. The product labels I made are in full resolution and in .ai, .psd, and .pdf files. There's an instance I have o share a video in one of the cable network because they're going to air the RDL Commercials, there are 5 videos different file for every product. The Freshmen, Teens Cologne, Whitening Soap, Facial Cleanser and the Astringent. Each video is more than 30MB. Good thing the cable network introduced to me the internet saving and sharing also. The Mediafire.
*click the picture to visit the site.
Mediafire advantage:
* You can upload files upto 100MB per file.
* Unlimited storage for you.
* You can organize your files.
* Unlimited downloads.
* NO need to install softwares.
* No sign up required
* You are allowed to share your files anywhere in the world
* Send the share link and let them download the files from the internet.
Uploading depends on how fast is your internet connections.
I'm using mediafire right now to share files to the supplier or my pictures from my computer. Mediafire is very useful to me when my HD is formated and my designs were erased. I downloaded the designs even though my other files are totally lost, at least I recovered some.
Try mediafire and tell me...
Posted by dRei at 12:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: file hosting, mediafire, picture saving, picture sharing, save, saving files, video saving, video sharing
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Launching new blog...
I made a new blog powered by wordpress named Virtual Pieces. It's from free web hosting site . Even though I dont have domain, 000web gave me a free domain and with an extention of It's fine.
Posted by dRei at 11:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: 000web, free web hosting, web hosting
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thanks Jehz!...
Last week Friday, I received a McDonald's gift certificate from jehzeel via courier. Jehzeel sent me GC as a treat to those who I voted (blogger winston) in the PBA 2008 which fortunately he won. I'm keeping the calling cards but not the GC, I already used it and the service crew tore it apart...hehehe. I ate double cheese burger de luxe, a mcflurry and a cheese burger value meal.
Domo arigatoo gozaimasu!
Posted by dRei at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Labels:, Jehzeel, Personal
Monday, September 29, 2008
Lately, I want to unwind myself because of busy schedule, pressure and meeting deadlines. I find this site before and played but I'm not consistent in playing so my account somehow vanished in the air. 'hehehe'.
Now, I enjoyed playing the, kill monsters and acquire impressive weapons, durable armor, powerful spells, magnificent shields and pets too. Right now, I'm level 35, a magician type character with deadly spells. I have my armors t0o... I can't display my character because the site is full right now. Sometimes the player reached 8700+ and the site allows only 8000 to free account players.
To create new characters please proceed to this add, and start playing!
Posted by dRei at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2d game,, games, online games
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Cast your Vote nOw!...
After many months of blog absence, I'm back...
I'm going to blog about the coming The Philippine Blog Awards 2, the nominees are listed in their page. There are 48 nominees and we have to find out soon who will dominate and received the award.
For me, I'm voting Batang Yagit, not because we're from the same place but I think the blog deserves to be awarded.
You have to make a blog about who you are voting and fill up this form.
So cast your votes for Batang yagit now!
Greetings to Jehzlau. Galing!
Posted by dRei at 5:12 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Heard about MyLot? Posting and Blogging...
MyLot offers a LOT! Posting your interest and reading discussions. You will learn many things and find ideas that will help you in your everyday lives. My friend invited me to join in this site. it has millions of members around the world, you'll find new friends in any races. Aside from making friends and reading discussions, you're earning in every post you'll going to make. I'm earning as this moment.
Sign up now and meet new friends!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Clixsense: Slowly but Surely you'll earn dollar!
Week ago my officemate introduce me to clixsense, she told me that you'll earn from $0.01 to &5.00 per click in the advertisements for free'whoa dollar ($)'. After I heard what she said I sign u immediately so that I can earn already. To register is very simple, you are not ask with many questions. All they need is your user id password, a paypal account and your complete name.
Posted by dRei at 5:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: affiliates, clixsense
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Why I think PayDotCom is the Best Affiliate Marketplace on the Net!
Jose Andre Dimzon here...
If you are familiar with (R), or even if you are not but you want to make profits online, then you will want to check this out ASAP ...
While I like Clickbank, and they are a great marketplace... they are limited to many restrictions to sell products or earn affiliate commissions...
Well, there is a GREAT NEW SERVICE now...
It is a new FREE marketplace where you can sell any product you want.
Yours OWN product...
- OR - (the best part)
You can become an INSTANT Affiliate for ANY item in their HUGE marketplace.
It is called!
Did I mention it is 100% FREE to Join!
This site is going to KILL all other marketplaces and I by now, almost EVERY SINGLE SERIOUS online marketer has an account with
So get yours now and see how much they offer...
OH! - Also, they have their won affiliate program now that pays you COLD HARD cash just for sharing the site with people like I am doing with you...
They give you cool tools like BLOG WIDGETS, and they even have an advertising program to help you get traffic to your site.
If you want an ARMY of affiliates to sell your products for you, they also allow you to have Free placement in their marketplace!
Even better... If your product becomes one of the Top 25 products in its category in the marketplace (not that hard to do)...
...then you will get Free advertising on the Blog Widget which is syndicated on THOUSANDS of sites World Wide and get Millions of impressions per month.
So, what are you waiting for... ROCKS!
Get your FREE account now... click here
Jose Andre Dimzon
P.S. - Make sure to get your Account NOW while it is Free to join.
'Paydotcom want me to post this'...hehehe... click here t0o..
Posted by dRei at 6:56 PM 1 comments
Labels: Affiliate Marketing, PayDotCom, PayPal, Sell Products Online
Monday, May 19, 2008
Three Long Weeks...
It's been three long weeks since I first punch my card but it seems I've been working for a year. I remember my first day when I enter in my office, arranged my stuff such as coupon bonds 'long/short', and cleaning my table to ready my computer. and that day also I signed the contract, HR introduced me to my officemates in LDL Realty Estate Corp. and in the RDL Pharmaceutical Laboratory. As a graphic artist I can say that my job is stressful, always in front of the monitor 'STARING without blinking' in the 17" monitor. That's a lot of Radiation. I'm also fortunate because I am connected in the internet, I can surf anytime.
I hope when i age 40 I can still see. hehehe...
Posted by dRei at 5:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
National Transport Strike! Again...
National Transport Strike! Because of the rapid increase of the oils' price, Union of drivers in the country are conducting strike.
I'm fortunate that I have my officemate and we ride in his car to go to work everyday,yes everyday! so no strike can stop us from working...
Posted by dRei at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: News
Thursday, May 8, 2008
CHOKING with Water?...
Yesterday after my AutoCAD class I went to convenience store and bought a bottled water because my throat is experiencing El NiƱo. Then on my way home inside the jeepney, I drunk the water which is in the bottle, when the liquid is flowing in my throat, I cough! and suddenly I'm chasing my breath afterwards. My face turns purple as I can see it in the side mirror because I'm sitting at the front seat beside the pilot. I thought I'm gonna die that time but in my mind flashed what happen in the past, to avoid coughing out loud 'COL'(hahaha)when you are choked with water, you have to stopped breathing for atleast 30sec and slowly breath. That will ease you and you can control the coughing afterwards. I do that everytime I'm in that situation only in water, but with solid food? I don't think I'll work.
This afternoon when I was working. I surfed the net and searched on 'Why we choke with water'. I found many answers but wikianswer give me a concise answer.Now I know why we choke with water.
Waters doesn't really make us choke. We are experiencing that feeling 'as what the site state - discomfort' is when the liquid flows in a wrong path. The correct path of the liquid is always through the throat. What happens is the waters enters in our nasal area and we feel that we're choking.
Posted by dRei at 3:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Choke, Choking with water, Personal
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Learning AutoCAD
Learning AutoCAD is not easy, typing commands, measuring lengths, thickness, elevation, angles. Our lessons are not easy, I cannot catch up the teacher sometimes and leave me hanging in our exercises. Our lesson now is 3D.
I made this one here:
Posted by dRei at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: AutoCAD
Sunday, May 4, 2008
FIrst Day!
Last April 28, 2008 was my first day at work as a Graphic Artist in a Realty Estate here in Davao City named LDL Realty State Corporation. This establishment operates before but under its' sister company the RDL Pharmaceutical Inc., now because it,s too large to be accommodate by the RDL Pharma, They made their own name, after the proprietress of the company ' I can't tell you the name for security reasons (she's my aunt), a clue: initials LDL'hahaha.
The company is all about Properties such as Land, Building and Houses that's why it's a realty estate..hehehe. The owner of this company has lots and lots of land not only here in Davao City, even Luzon because she's here in Davao many of her property are here too. Those lands were developed and became commercial buildings, apartments, residential, farms and resorts. As what I have known she owned a resort named 'Japanese Tunnel Hotel and restaurant and Emars Resort and Inn (formerly Kanaway restaurant)','Playmate - a badminton/basketball court with zo0','Farm','Many Apartments','Houses in Ladislawa','House in Monteritz',and a lot more (lands,houses and cars).
As a Graphic Artist (soon their draftsman), I am responsible for designing brochure, leaflets, flyers, catalogs and other materials for the promotions. I'll be making tarpaulins for the restaurant,resort,hotel,inn,apartments and all things under the LDL Company. I like this job, i know it tiring but I enjoyed playing brushes in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw. Next tym If I'm done with my AutoCAD Classes I'll be designing houses s0on..hehehe 'quasi-architect-coz i'm not an architect'.
NOTE: RDL Pharmaceuticals Inc. is now hiring product label designer/Graphic Artist 'must be an Engineering Graduate'.
(Be sure you can handle pressure because being a product label designer is not an easy task, you can damage machines with a single mistake)hehehe..g0odluck for their new Product Label Designer.
I have no post 3weeks now,hehehe... I'll try to post often. Thanks!
Posted by dRei at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Personal
Friday, April 11, 2008
Deal or No Deal? Microsoft to Yahoo
Microsoft Corporation is offering $40 Billion to Yahoo Inc.
Options in their deal:
1. experimental advertising alliance with Google that could lead to a broader partnership
2. a combination with the online operations of Time Warner Inc.'s AOL.
To know more click here.
Posted by dRei at 1:10 AM 2 comments
Sunday, March 30, 2008
What! A Blog Contest!
I was searching the net when I found this blog.
A blog contest. Guess what, Prizes are amazing!...
1. First Place Gets
$100.00 BY PAYPAL
2. Second Place gets
3. Third Place gets
to earn points...
1. 200 points for posting a commuter experience here on Commuter Chronicles
2. 100 points for posting a commuter experience or review of commuter chronicles oh your blog with a link back to here
3. 100 points for a second post on this site about a commuter experience (two post maximum will be counted)
4. 100 points if your post on here crosses 20 comments
5. 50 points for a second post on your blog
6. 40 points for a blogroll link (drop me a comment on this post to let me know you added me to your roll)
7. 30 points for each time you make 10 comments on this site (and 1 point for each comment - in other words you get 1 point each time you comment and an extra 30 point at each 10 comment interval)
8. 20 points for subscribing to the rss feed
9. 2 points each time you drop a card on the blog.
visit the commuter chronicles for more info...thanks!
Posted by dRei at 8:59 PM 1 comments
Labels: blog contest, blogs, Computer, contest, internet
Sunday, March 16, 2008
A Gift for You
Top gift for the year it's the latest Ipod touch MP3 Player.
More over iPod classic, Apple has a newer and improved “iPod touch” MP3 player with WiFi capabilities meaning you can browse the internet in the wifi zones like coffe shops, restaurants, or in the campuses nationwide,and a touchscreen, no need to find the buttons of the Ipod. The LCD touchscreen has a large 3.5 inch screen 'whoa...' it's large.
The iPod touch has many of the features offered by the iPhone are music/video features' you can watch videos/ paly music', landscape mode'you can choose what makes you comfortable to use the Ipod', dock connector and user interface.
Features 8GB internal flash memory capable of storing 1,750 songs, or 10,000 photos, or up to 10 hours of video. There's a lot more, this Ipod Touch also available in 16GB and 32 GB memory.
A perfect gift for graduation.
Posted by dRei at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Computer, electronics, Ipod Touch, mobile unit
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Adobe Photoshop Trendy Brushes
I'm searching the net to find a brush for my adobe photoshop cs, I found hundreds of new brushes for my adobe in this site "brush" and downloaded almost all, right now i can make different kinds of design through that brushes. With just one click, you can make trendy and professional looking designs.
I have to make an invitation for my cousin's wedding, so I have to find a good brush that makes my work impressive. I found many but it makes my head hurt because I have so much to choose from. This time hope you agree the "floral" designs are in. My cousin like floral designs too that's why I searched for floral designs in the google and luckily I've got the brush I need.
There are many floral designs like:
Vector Foliage-Plants Photoshop Brushes
Flowery Scribble Photoshop Brushes
Flower Brushes
Photoshop Plant Brushes
This are the most rated brushes in the site, there's a lot more, just visit the a site.
*Click the picture to download the brush.
Posted by dRei at 6:17 AM 3 comments
Labels: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Tutorial, brushes, designs
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Disk Operating System (DOS) Commands
DOS or Disk Operating System is a system without any graphic interface. Lahat letters lang tapos monochrome lang 'paper white'. DOS is important in installing OS or Operating System in a computer unit. This post can help you in installing OS using the commands, because these commands are vital. You cannot interact with the computer if you don't know the commands in DOS.
These are the commands used in Disk Operating System (DOS) First is the scandisk it is used scanning/fixing the errors in the drive. Type ka nito a:\>scandisk tapos enter mo. It automatically scan the disk and fix its errors afterwards. Second is fdisk it is used to partition the disk. Partition meaning making space in the disk or dividing the disk, you know that a disk is partitioned when there is two drives the c: and d:, partitioning is important to avoid the file in the other drive from the corrupting virus. Type mo ang a:\>fdisk tapos enter ulit. Third is the format is used in erasing the files in the disk. Siguro alam mo na ang erase. Erase ito na lahat ng laman talaga ng disk mo uubusin. Type mo lang ito a:\>format c:/d:. Fourth is cls means clearscreen. When you want a clear screen tpos ang matitira nalng ay ang root directory at ang blinking cursor. You just have to type a:\>cls and your screen will now be cleared. Fifth, ito pa exit gamit to go out of the system. just like this a:\>exit.Sixth, kung gusto mong makita ang laman ng isang drive ito lang itype mo dir display the content of the disk, a:\>dir/w/p. This command is useful when you want to make a folder where you pud the files md to make a folder in the disk. When you want to make a folder in the drive c: which you will be using to put file when you started installing. This is an example c:\>md win98. in copying a file a command copy used to copy the files from one drive to another or from one folder to another. This example is copying a file from a: to c:\win98 a:\>copy . c:\win98. After entering a folder and you want to return to the root directory a command cd\ is used and return to the root directory. This example can help c:\>win98>cd\ (c:\>_). When you don't want a folder and you want to delete it, it's quite hard to do that if you don't know what to type. rd is a DOS command to remove a folder in the drive. The example is deleting a folder win98 in c: c:\>rd win98. To delete a file in DOS del is the command to delete file. Example is deleting party.doc, like this c:\>del party.doc.
Hope this post can be of great help for you in DOS...
That's all for now...
Posted by dRei at 2:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Computer, Disk Operating System, DOS, Programming, Tutorial
Monday, February 4, 2008
My Anime Favorites
This are my fave anime series ever since i knew television... Ghost Fighter - japanese anime, a story of a human with a demon blood flowing in his veins and destined to bring peace to the surface and defeit the devil one.The main characters of the story are eugene, dennis, vincent and alfred.
Flame of Recca - this anime series is hot. Recca possesses a dragons inside him. The eight flamed dragons helped him in every contest he is into. Recca wanted to defeit his brother which has a power same as his.
Cowboy Bepop The Movie- Mars. Days before Halloween 2071. Villains blow up a tanker truck on Highway One, releasing a deadly virus that kills hundreds. Fearing a bigger, even more devastating biochemical attack, an astronomical reward is offered for the arrest and capture of the person behind the destruction. On the space ship "Bebop," Spike Spiegel and his crew of bounty hunters (Jet Black, Faye Valentine, Ed and Ein) are bored and short of cash. But with the news of the reward everything changes.
Based on the wildly popular TV series, "Cowboy Bebop," the big screen smash COWBOY BEBOP: THE MOVIE pits Spike and Co. against their deadliest adversary ever. Featuring stunning, state-of-the-art animation, this action-packed sci-fi adventure builds to a breath-taking, nail-biting climax, guaranteed to keep you hanging on the edge of your seat.
I like this movie and its series too. A bounty hunter...nice!
Yu-Gi-Oh - I like this anime series also, I already finished watching it in for almost a year (that costs a lot of money) since I watched in the internet cafe. Card duel games with an impressive effects. This series started when Yugi solve the pyramid puzzle and the pharaoh's ghost that was imprisoned there came out and help Yugi in every duel.Naruto Shippuden - it is a continuation of the first Naruto. This is chapter two because naruto here is a teenager now. It started when Naruto and Jiraya arrived in Konoha Village after two and half years of training outside the village. Naruto here is a grown up boy that possesses a great power from the kyubi inside him. This time in he's prepare to face Orichimaru and bring Sasuke back to the village. I'm always waiting for the episode uploaded in always.
Bleach- i like this too. A story of a high school boy that accidentally became a Soul Reaper. After that incedent his life change and become more challenging. He face challenges that made him strong and overpowered the real Soul Reaper. I watched the episode of this series in also.
You, what is your favorite anime?.....
Thanks! That's all...
Posted by dRei at 12:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: anime, anime series, bleach, cowboy bepop, flame of recca, ghost fighter, Movie, naruto shippuden, yu-gi-oh
Friday, February 1, 2008
Graphic Tutorial Just for you!
This website was just reffered to me by my friend Jehzeel H. Laurente owner of the blog site He wants me to know on how to make graphic designs and terms like overlaying, stokes, opacity, smudging, cropping, blurring, liquifying and other terms used in making special effects in the ADOBE PHOTOSHOP whether it is 6, 7, CS or CS2. I want to become a Graphic Artist like Jehz thats why I do my best and have time reading the tutorials in that website. It started when Jehz made me as his assistant graphic artist during our school event. I am thankful to him because he taught me and answered my many questions that I guess he thought that I am annoying. hehehe....
The content of this website is not only tutoriaL on Adobe Photoshop, but also in Adobe illustrator, Adobe in Design, PHP, Corel Draw, CSS Stylesheet, Adobe After Effects and many more. Thanks to Jehzeel I experienced to be called a Graphic Artist.
Thats All!...
Posted by dRei at 4:01 AM 1 comments
Labels: Adobe, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Tutorial, Corel Draw, CSS Stylesheet, Graphic, Jehzeel, Pictures
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Meet the Spartans - Movie Review
The heroic Leonidas, armed with nothing by leather underwear and a cape, leads a ragtag group of 13--count ‘em, 13!--Spartans to defend their homeland against the invading Persians (whose ranks include Ghost Rider, Rocky Balboa, the Transformers, and a hunchbacked Paris Hilton--no one is safe when the Spartans take on the biggest icons in pop culture).
I'm dying to watch this movie, I hope it'll be the next picture in the movie house soon.
Posted by dRei at 10:31 PM 3 comments
Labels: Meet the Spartans, Movie, Spartans
Monday, January 28, 2008
New Park in Davao City the 'People's Park'
A park in Davao City covering 4 hectares and planted with different species of trees and other plants. It is located at Palma Gil St., Davao City and a former PTA Ground.

Posted by dRei at 2:58 AM 3 comments
Labels: Davao City Park, leisure, Parks, People's Park, People's Park Davao City, travel
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Dollar vs Phillippine Peso (PhP)
US Dollar (USD) vs Phillippine Peso (PhP)
US Dollar as we all know money used in the US. ahaha...obvious! US Dollar nga eh. This currency is used to buy anything in World Market you can't buy using peso also in the world wide web (www). Mostly dollar is credited in your credit cards when you purchase anything in the internet. The world market accepts only dollar.
Peso is the currency used here in our country Philippines. As of today January 28, 2008. The exchange rate is $1=PhP40.90. It is so hard for the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) who earned Dollar because the last time I remember that was year 2005 the Dollar hit $1=PhP56.00, the dollar s strength is declining nowadays.
The bad thing there is dollar exchange gets smaller and the price commodities here in our country is increasing. Like the Gasoline.
Posted by dRei at 10:22 PM 2 comments
Labels: currency, dollar, dollar vs peso, exchange rate dollar-peso, money, philippine peso, philippine peso vs us dollar
Saturday, January 26, 2008
BDO Kabayan Account
Posted by dRei at 10:12 PM 2 comments
Labels: accounts, asenso kabayan, atms, bank, bdo, investments, savings
Motorola C119...
It is a cheap phone. it has no MMS like the 3G phones in the market right now. All I want is to have a cellphone which I can use for communicating-the real essence of a mobile unit.
Those who have this kind of cellphones 'I hope there is' have you check the menus yet? or no?
Posted by dRei at 1:23 AM 5 comments
Labels: cellphones, electronics, mobile unit, motorola, technical
Friday, January 25, 2008
Flooding of Food Supplement...
I'm 22 years old now and I attended many seminars not only food supplements but others too. I tried all of those things but I'm not consistent to patronize one product. hehehe....Yesterday I attended seminar here in Davao City about Himalayan Goji Juice. I love to attend seminars because the food is great!hmmm...
Food supplement...
Himalayan Goji juice

Research has shown that many of the world's longest living people consume regular daily helpings of a tiny red fruit that may just be the world's most powerful food the goji berry.
FreeLife® is the first company to perfect a difficult and demanding proprietary extraction process and create the only standardized form of this incredible plant available in the world today:
K-Link 'Liquid Chlorophyll'

1. Cleansing - refers to detoxification and eliminating impurities from our body.
2. Regulating - balances the hormones, acid and alkaline in our body.
3. Nourishing - provides nutrients for healthy blood to increase the oxygen level and red blood count.
What is Chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll is life’s natural elixir contained in the green pigment of plants. In the process known as “photosynthesis”, chlorophyll in green plants traps and stores the energy of sunlight, together with carbon dioxide in the air, water and minerals from the soil to produce food. The energy is required to convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose – the chief source of energy for living organisms.

CMD is the most powerful, health-giving mineral and trace mineral food supplement formulated by nature for greater bio-electric health and body mineral balancing. In today's modern, fast-paced society, supplying our bodies with the minerals they require is difficult. Many of the food we eat are grown in mineral deficient soil. Added to this, modern food processing techniques further strip important minerals like magnesium, potassium and boron - minerals that play key roles in our health. The truth is we may be eating a perfectly balanced diet and still be deficient in minerals and trace minerals. Supplementing your diet with CMD can replenish your body with the important nutrients that it may be lacking.
First Vita Plus

After many months of intensive medical research and scientific study our team of experts led by former Department of Health Secretary and Philippines Foremost herbalist Dr. Jaime Galvez Tan, came up with a unique product that combines for the very FIRST time. 5 Power herbs from selected premium leaves of Moringa oleifera, Corchorus olitoruis, Capsicum frutescens, Amaranthus Spinosus and Ipomea batatas.
First Vita Plus is packed to meet your daily requirements of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, anti-oxidants an immunity enhancing phytochemicalsFirst Vita Plus is your vitamin-in-a-drink. It is easy to carry, quick to consume and great to taste.Best of all, it is 100% all Filipino. From its refreshing dalandan taste, to its organic components. First Vita Plus is the perfect natural health drink!
First Vita Plus represents our advocacy to promote traditional and alternative medicine. We are conficdent that this kind of awareness will generate livelihood among our farmers and will further inspire scientists to explore the untapped healing potentials of Philippine herbs.
Equally significant, this will usher in a new lifestyle that clearly says: your health is important. First Vita Plus will make your health a priority and will bring you opportunity
First Vita Plus, SO FULL OF LIFE!
I features only those that I know, but theres more...If you want to be healthy and live longer you'd better choose the right food supplement now.
Posted by dRei at 11:24 PM 2 comments
Labels: food, food supplement, health, health drink
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
City of the Future?
This article is from
articles/city-of-the-future-october-2004/.I want you to make comments about this country.
City of the Future?
Dubai isn't just remaking its skyline, explains Lee Smith—it's becoming the Arab world's most ambitious social and economic experiment
From October 2004
By Lee Smith
In the past few years, Dubai—the most glamorous of the United Arab Emirates' seven sheikhdoms—has become famous for forward-thinking hotels such as the sail-shaped Burj Al Arab, and audacious building projects such as the Palm and the World, two massive collections of man-made islands that are taking shape offshore. On my recent visit to the emirate, people were buzzing about yet another new development, a $5 billion entertainment complex called Dubailand that will be built in the desert. Scheduled to open in 2007, Dubailand will include aquatic- and dinosaur-themed amusement parks, a space-age hotel, and the world's largest shopping center.
All this is part of ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum's plan to wean the local economy off its dependence on oil, in part through tourism. According to the World Tourism Organization, Dubai had the world's highest growth rate in tourism in 2002. Last year, the emirate attracted nearly 5 million visitors, 38 percent more than in 2001. Dubailand is expected to boost tourism to 20 percent of the emirate's GDP.
Dubai's diversified economy—with large investments in the technology and information industries as well as tourism—has made it an increasingly popular place for international companies to do business, but what struck me most in Dubai was how much the city's ongoing transformation is being debated. Locals are wondering what kind of future Dubai is building toward—and whether it's one they want.
"There has to be more to a place than doing business," Jihad Fakhreddine, an analyst at the Pan-Arab Research Center, told me one afternoon at his office. The 47-year-old Lebanese expatriate had recently returned from Iraq, where he'd conducted polling for Gallup International. "I felt more attracted and attached to Baghdad after forty days than I do to Dubai after thirteen years." Unlike Iraq, Dubai is stable and rich, but what concerns Fakhreddine is that the emirate's cultural com- placency may shape the future of the Arab world. "There is no interest here in forming a culture that would make this country unique," he said. "We aren't asking things like, 'What does it mean to be an Arab? Is Dubai even an Arab city at all?'"
That is a complicated question. With between 80 and 90 percent of Dubai's population made up of foreign workers, from Pakistani laborers to Western executives, the answer is: maybe not. "Dubai's fundamental issue is demographic," Abdelkhaleq Abdulla, an Emirati native who runs a political science think tank, told me a few days later. "How can locals accept that they're a minority in their own country? Yet the economy is tied to the presence of expats.
"There are a lot of locals who look to the past and think the old ways were best," Abdulla continued. "And there are also a lot of people worried about the future. They're afraid the bubble will burst and everyone will go home."
While there is concern that the Islamist insurgency in Saudi Arabia could cause problems throughout the Persian Gulf, it is precisely Dubai's building boom that may make Abdulla's nightmare scenario less plausible. Much of the emirate's pricey new real estate—a substantial portion of developments such as the Palm—is being purchased by non-Arab, non-Muslim foreigners, giving them a greater stake in the city's future.
It's not far-fetched to think that outsiders could someday play as important a part in Dubai's political life as they have in its economy. The emirate may be a model of openness in the region, but it still suffers from a democracy deficit. And since Westerners are accustomed to political participation in their homelands, one possible incentive to keep the expat labor force in Dubai could well be democracy. "Political participation is the next step for us," Abdulla told me. "It has to come."
The question remains whether a multi-ethnic, democratic society really is possible here. Of course, that's exactly what the 21st century was supposed to look like, before September 11 left many wondering if it would instead become a jet-age reprise of historic clashes. After visiting Dubai, I found it reassuring to find that this is, in fact, a place—in the Arab world, no less—still considering that once-shared vision of the future.
Posted by dRei at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: city of the future, country, dubai, leisure, travel